On November 3rd 2010 a group of passionate Elders, youth and community members came together to vision for the future feasting year. They were invited for dinner asked to come with these questions in mind:
• If you had lots of time and lots of resources, what kind of program would you create?
• If you had little time and few resources, what kind of program would you create?
• What are you passionate about with regard to food, culture, language, knowledge and skill transfer?
• How do you want your community to look and what role do you want to play in making it look like this?
• What does success look like?
What are some things you would like to see happen for Elders and Youth around Food, Land and Culture?
-More events for Elders and youth to share knowledge of the differenct generations ie digital story telling?
-I would like to see more youth participating in the events. Maybe get more direct line to the Nations classes and more recuritment tyoe of sessions at the schools. Also maybe use the new communications like facebook to reach the youth?
-Sharing of how to gather, prepare, preserve
-Cultural uses
Feasting for Change: Vision for Our Communities – NOVEMBER 3rd, 2010
Our communities will have:
People to teach skills
A place and regular time where youth and elders can gather together
Family focused activities and events
Settings where youth are encouraged and can get skills like facilitation and talking in front of people
Access to wild food sources and medicines
Community gardens and planter boxes with traditional plants and other foods
Access to community gardens
Our own smokehouses
Holistic approaches to wellness, food, and physical activity
A safe and open learning environment
A multipurpose building
Ongoing activities to keep the energy up (eg. for youth, a week in the woods, living in the old ways)
Increased knowledge sharing of traditional treaty rights
Our communities will be:
Hosts of feasts and participants in the feasts of other communities
Places of capacity building for all generations: children, youth, parents, elders
Places where all generations have a clear role
Judgment free places
Places where everyone feels safe and honoured
Statement of Principles and Values
The Feasting for Change Working Group is committed to:
• Creating interactive, experiential events and activities that provide intergenerational opportunities for the transfer of knowledge and experience.
• Providing capacity- and skill- building events and activities that are educational and enhance cultural integrity.
• Facilitating a youth-driven process.
• Honouring and incorporating spirituality.
• Working in a relationship-based and relationship-building way with openness, patience, respect and commitment.
• Taking responsibility for self, community, generations, culture, earth, water.
• Creating sustainable programs that have purpose and relevance.
• Having fun.
Feasting for Change – Priorities for Action
Purpose: To vision to expand community-based programs that connect youth, Elders, food, land, and culture.
• Class for teaching traditional foods. Jen, Lou-Ann, Sandy
• More youth and elder events based on knowledge transfer Sandy, Lateasha, Leonita, Jeff, Fiona.
• Youth leadership role/encourage youth to step outside of their comfort zone and take a healthy risk. Sandy, Lateasha, Leonita, Jeff, Isabelle
• Find resources to support the knowledge keepers (for things like traveling throughout the island.) Isabelle
• Identify the teachers. Identify the learners. Isabelle
• Up-island movement of programs/all island youth connected by food activities, regularly, build ties. Erin, Debbie, Sandy
• Broad-scale native food ecosystem restoration. Judith
• Strong leadership. Jen, Fiona
• National and international knowledge exchange/larger scale trading of traditional foods
• Central location/gathering places Jen
• Find more money! Isabelle, Lou-Ann.
• Grow/harvest enough food for everyone (in each community)