Monday, September 26, 2011

NEW FFC resources

The Feasting for Change project is currently creating some new resources

Resource 1: Development of Plant Learning Cards
Creation of a set of 66 different native plants local to the South Island area.  The Feasting for Change Plant Knowledge Cards were inspired by our many plant walks and discussions about edible and medicinal plants.
Bring them out on walks to help identify plants, their uses and keep the old ways strong. Much of the plants and knowledge within these cards is focused on the Coast Salish Territory, but is generally applicable to
wherever these plants are found. As such, many of these plants have more uses and more stories attached to them. Please use these cards  as an inspiration to talk to an Elder or Knowledge Keeper. An additional
note, not all of these plants are from pre-Contact eras. The plants are ones that are used currently by many people.  To be available soon.

Resource 2: Celebration Book
The Feasting for Change Celebration Book is almost complete and should be ready by June 2012.   It is a collection of the people, food, recipes, gifts and stories shared over the last 5 years of the program.   The book follows the seasons and shares tips, recipes and experiences eating these foods.

Resource 3: SENĆOŦEN Food and Language Videos
The Feasting for Change group is partnering wtih Saanich Adult Education Centre and the SENĆOŦEN apprentices.    5 videos have been created in SENĆOŦEN about local food and plant knowledge.  To be shared at a feast in October.

SCIA'NEW Feast Aug 26th, 2011

On a beautiful and warm Aug day the SCIA'NEW First Nation, FFC, South Island Wellness and its talented and passionate communities members came together to feast.   Isabelle helped bring all of us together with her hard work and dedication, Evelyn cooked all week to have fresh bread, baking with no dairy or wheat, fish soup, salmon and more. Lorena, Julie engaged the young children in games while we waited for our dinner.  Pakki and Henry Chipps worked hard to prepare their yard for all 60 of us to see a traditional pit cook.   They shared with us their method and techniques in cooking food in a pit.  Chris and Henry cooked us salmon on the bbq and racks while Pakki took each 2 groups on a nature walk to view and learn about the plans of this area.   Many thanks to Chief Russ Chipps, Dominic Charles and others for all their support.

Pacheedaht Fish Canning Day and Salmon BBQ and Smoking Clams

On August 25th Earl Claxton Jr, JB Williams and I made the beautiful trip up to Pacheedaht First Nation on the beauiful west coast.  We were welcomed there by Stacy Jones and the youth program leaders Carla and Alysha.    The day was planned to can and bbq fish and also smoke clams on iron wood (oceanspray) sticks.  We also made some scow bread with fresh blackberries.  Delicious!
As you can see from the pictures above it was a wonderful day.

Cultural Symposium SAEC and W̱SÁNEĆ

On June 15 over 300 learners and teachers were invited by The Saanich Adult Education Center and W̱SÁNEĆ School Board to participate in our 5th cultural symposium held for our students, community and educational partners. This year's event focused on celebrating the many aspects of our Aboriginal Culture and Identity.


• Traditional War Canoes

• Nature walks

• Clam Bake/Pit Cooking

• Salmon BBQ

• Drumming

• SENCOTEN language • Elders Circle & Teachings

• Abalone Shell painting

• Traditional Tea

• Indian Ice Cream

• Face painting

• Plants & Ecosystems

Pictures to follow..