Friday, July 16, 2010

Tsawout Seafood Festival 2010

Seafood Festival June 12, 2010

The Tsawout First Nation Seafood Festival is an annual event held at Tsawout on the Saanich Peninsula. The event was located on TIXEN, which is also known as Cordova Spit. The event was a day of education on seafood, and learning the importance of harvesting these foods so they can be incorporated into our daily diet.

This year’s event took place on June 12th 2010, from 11:00am – 3:00 pm. The day was filled with cultural activities including the first salmon ceremony and traditional pit cooking. We will also have information booths set up for the day’s participants, which will include the Goldstream Hatchery, RCMP, Feasting for Change, Diabetes Team, Parks Canada, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, World Fisheries Trust/Seachange (Sea life Touch Tank) and the University of Victoria to name a few.

Delicious Sea Urchins away the crowds of passionate eaters.

Over 1200 people attended the event and feasting on BBQ salmon, prawns, crabs, clam chowder, mussels, sea urchins, baked bread, corn, potatoes and much more.

Nancy Turner hunting for greens for the pit.

Earl Claxton Jr sharing his tools and resources.

The Real FAST food - fresh fruits to go!

Cooking and cleaning crab!

BBQ fish.

Pit cooking experts and friends Belinda Claxton and Nancy Turner.

Putting the pit together!

Herman Underwood teaching his fish cleaning skills.

Roberta Pelkey sharing her weaving expertise as she makes the top of a cedar hat.

The Salmon Ceremony lead by the Pelkey Family.

The Feasting For Change Youth Sandy and Kat with their mentor Jen!

Opening the pit - the Oysters are ready!

Collecting the delicious food out of the pit.

It was again an amazing event. We all hold our hands up to Dan Claxton and the Tsawout First Nation Community for creating an event that highlight the importance of the traditional foods, the waterways and lands that provide them. Their dedication to creating an day that bridges the outside communities members, agencies and resources together is essential to creating sustainable solutions to healthy food, land and culture.